& Technology Development Journal: Economics- Law & Management2025-02-18T04:32:37+07:00STDJ ECONOMICS - LAW & Journal Systems affecting Vietnam's canned tuna exports to the US and EU markets: An approach by gravity model2025-02-02T14:34:28+07:00Xoan Thi<p>As a country with strengths in seafood exports, tuna is currently the export item with the most significant commercial value among Vietnam's seafood exports, in which canned tuna accounts for nearly half of the total export value of tuna products in general. However, in recent times, the export market and the export value of canned tuna from Vietnam to markets have been unstable for many reasons. In this study, the gravity model is applied to determine the factors affecting Vietnam's canned tuna exports to the two largest markets, the US and the EU, in 2007 - 2022 for a balanced panel dataset of 192 observations of 12 major import partners. The research results show that the exchange rate factor has the most positive impact on Vietnam's canned tuna exports to the US and the EU, followed by domestic tuna production, and the importing country's population also positively impacts exports. On the contrary, high import tax rates in recent times have been the most significant barrier hindering Vietnam's canned tuna exports in recent times, followed by the increase in per capita income of importing countries, which has also limited tuna imports from Vietnam. The research results also show that the signing of free trade agreements between Vietnam and importing countries and the selection of suitable export markets are two factors that have a positive impact on Vietnam's canned tuna exports to the US and EU during the research period, but these factors have not had a noticeable effect. In addition, the research also shows that the EC's yellow card warning for IUU fishing violations harms Vietnam's canned tuna exports to the US and EU markets, but this impact is not large and clear.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## trust’s impact towards continuance usage intention regarding biometric authentication for digital payment of gen Z and the mediating role of perceived risk — Study in Ho Chi Minh City2025-02-02T14:34:49+07:00 Phuong Gia Hoanghpgiaminh@gmail.comShon<p>This paper aims to evaluate the impact of consumer trust on continuance usage intention regarding biometric authentication for digital payment in Ho Chi Minh City, employing an alternative perspective that positions perceived risk as a mediator. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling was used to analyze data gathered from 313 undergraduate students in the city through personal contacts through a self-administered questionnaire distributed via Google Forms. The findings reinforce previously published results indicating that consumer trust significantly influences the intention to continue using biometric authentication in digital payments. Notably, consumer trust substantially impacts on perceived risk and encourages continued usage, contrasting with the prevailing findings in extant studies. The rise in trust correlates with a heightened interest in comprehending the associated dangers of biometrics. Gen Z raises a demand for risk disclosure, implicitly highlighting that payment providers must prioritize and implement promptly. This research contributes to the existing literature on e-commerce, particularly in the digital payment context, by proposing an interactional model demonstrating the relationship between consumer trust and continuance usage intention, with perceived risk serving as a mediating factor. This study underscores the importance of policymakers and businesses strengthening consumer trust within the digital payment landscape by developing and promoting stricter security regulations concerning biometrics in online transactions. Accordingly, performance risk, time risk and security risks emerge as critical components of perceived risk in evaluating the intention to continue using biometric authentication in digital payments. Therefore, service providers, technicians, and management must prioritize enhancing system performance to prevent disconnections, latency, or diminished responsiveness. Future research should aim to enlarge the sample size of diverse respondents or incorporate additional factors, such as perceived benefits and customer loyalty, thereby providing a more thorough understanding of biometric authentication in online payments.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## effect of destination social responsibility on residents’ pro-environmental behaviors in Da Lat City2025-02-02T14:38:22+07:00 Thi Kieuùng Trọng Hoàân Thị Thanh Nguyễương Minh Võễn Thị Huỳnh Phượ<p>This study applies the SOR (Stimulus – Organism – Response) cognitive-emotional-behavioral theoretical model to examine how destination social responsibility impacts residents’pro-environmental behaviors through positive emotions, destination preference, and destination attachment. The SOR model is an approach to psychology that studies specific situations and environments and allows researchers to take a closer look at the psychological and socio-emotional influences on human behavior. On that basis, an integrated model was proposed and tested using survey data from Dalat, a city in Vietnam. The research was conducted based on a survey of 351 residents. On that basis, linear structural modeling (SEM) is used to learn and analyze the impact relationships between variables in the research model. Research results show that awareness of destination social responsibility has a positive impact on residents’ environmentally responsible behaviors through three intermediate factors: positive emotions, destination preference; and destination attachment, which have a positive influence on residents’ pro-environmental behaviors. Meanwhile, destination social responsibility also impacts in the same direction as positive emotions and destination preference; Both positive emotions and destination preference have a positive impact on destination attachment. In addition, the study’s results of the study also show that destination social responsibility does not directly affect residents’ pro-environmental behaviors, but only has an indirect impact through three intermediary factors such as positive emotions, destination preference and destination attachment. These research results not only clarify the relationship between tourism destination social responsibility and residents’ environmentally responsible behaviors but also have a certain significance in providing practical guidance for destination operators to develop effective destination social responsibility messages that promote environmentally responsible activities among residents. The research results are also a good reference for stakeholders such as destination management organizations and local tourism service providers in working towards sustainable tourism development.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## leadership and job satisfaction: Mediating role of trust and psychological capacity - the case of enterprises in the state-owned sector2025-02-02T14:44:34+07:00 Leũng Tiến HồĐỗ Như Lự<p>Servant leadership is a leadership style that focuses on enhancing the capabilities and well-being of employees to achieve the prosperity and service goals of the organization and community. State-owned enterprises have significant differences compared to private enterprises and foreign-invested enterprises because their main goal is not always for profit but to serve the public interest and national interests. This empirical study focuses on exploring the impact of servant leadership style on the employee’s job satisfaction in state-owned enterprises and, simultaneously, determining the mediating role of trust and the psychological capacity of employees. This specific research is implemented in state-owned enterprises, with diverse types such as: 100% state-owned enterprises; State joint stock companies, and Joint venture enterprises between the state and other partners. The survey was conducted with employees of these state-owned enterprises, and 294 valid questionnaires were processed. The survey data were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS statistical software. Research has concluded that: (1) servant leadership style directly impacts the job satisfaction of employees - This result implies that when operating a state-owned business in a socialist-oriented economy, employees will be more satisfied with their work if managers lead them with servant leadership style; (2) The study has confirmed that Trust and Psychological capacity are two statistically significant mediating factors in the relationship between servant leadership and employee satisfaction. This result shows that in the context of state-owned enterprises, leaders with a servant leadership style can improve the psychological capacity of workers, making them more confident and optimistic. Therefore, employess will be able to overcome crises at work more efficiently and thanks to that, they are more satisfied with their work.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## impact of government expenditure on human development index in ASEAN countries from 2009 to 20222025-02-02T14:50:30+07:00ình Đình Nguyễ Hải Phạều Thị Ngọc Huỳên Đỗ Phương Trầ Nguyễn Uyên Lêọc Như Tạ<p>To analyze the correlation between Government Expenditure and the Human Development Index in ASEAN countries from 2009 to 2022, this research utilized the Feasible Generalized Least Squares model (FGLS), including the statistics collected from reliable secondary sources such as World Bank, ADB, IMF, ASEAN Statistics. The research data encompasses government expenditures on health, education, and defense across 09 Southeast Asian nations over a twelve years period with 126 observations, consisting of the explanatory variables that represent the Government Expenditure Ratio compared to the GDP in Healthcare (Ghc), Education (Ge) and Defense (Gd). Besides, the Macroeconomic factors such as Foreign Direct Investment (lnFDI), Inflation Rate (Inf), and Labor Force (lnLab) are also employed as the controlled variables. The result indicates that Education Expenditure Ratio and Defense Expenditure Ratio positively affect on the Human Development Index. On the other hand, the Healthcare Expenditure Ratio has a negative impact on HDI. In addition, it is also implied that the Foreign Trade Investment is a beneficial factor in human life enhancement. At the same time, the inflation rate does not have a remarkable influence and the Labor Force has an adverse impact on HDI. Accordingly, this report presents policy recommendations to enhance living standards in Southeast Asia and Vietnam. Additionally, the research identifies shortcomings of the analysis and proposes new research directions to deepen our comprehension of the nexus between public expenditure and human development.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## causes knowledge-sharing and innovative work behavior? The case of Vietnamese university lecturers2025-02-02T14:57:55+07:00 The Anh<p>The purpose of this study is to investigate the elements that influence the process of knowledge sharing and the capacity for innovation among university teachers in Vietnam. The covariance-based structural equation model (CB-SEM) was utilized in the process of conducting data analysis, which was carried out with the assistance of SPSS and AMOS software. The research is based on survey data collected from 380 lecturers, all of whom hold at least a master's degree in subjects that are relevant to the courses that they teach their students. There were five primary characteristics that were identified, along with their respective correlation coefficients, regarding the sharing of knowledge and the consequent impact that it has on the innovative capabilities of lecturers. According to the data, there are substantial correlations between knowledge-sharing and a variety of elements, including as trust, the perceived utility of information and communication technology (ICT), pleasure in assisting other people, knowledge self-efficacy, organizational rewards, and the aforementioned. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the act of knowledge-sharing itself had a significant influence on the innovative behaviors of individual lecturers. It is clear from these findings that it is essential to cultivate an atmosphere that encourages collaboration and trust, as well as to make use of information and communication technology tools in order to make the sharing of information easier. Considering the findings, the research provides recommendations that can be put into practice with the intention of improving the ways in which university instructors in Vietnam share their knowledge. These recommendations place an emphasis on the establishment of supportive corporate cultures, the promotion of trust-building efforts, and the provision of sufficient resources and incentives. Through the implementation of these tactics, lecturers have the ability to not only enhance their practices of knowledge-sharing but also continuously innovate in their teaching methods, thereby contributing to the general growth of higher education in Vietnam.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## diversification and financial stability of Vietnamese commercial banks: The role of economic globalization2025-02-02T15:03:06+07:00 Thị Hương Vươ Thi Thanhạnh Hữu Nguyễ<p>This paper investigates the impact of income diversification on the stability of Vietnamese commercial banks (VCBs), based on secondary data from audited financial reports of 21 VCBs during the period 2013–2020. The study examines the influence of internal bank factors, macroeconomic conditions, and globalization on the stability of commercial banks in Vietnam. The regression analysis results from the generalized method of moments (GMM) show that income diversification does not entirely benefit bank stability and may even reduce stability in certain cases. However, when the economy reaches a high level of globalization, income diversification policies tend to help banks maintain better stability. Additionally, internal bank factors, such as deposit ratio and liquidity, play a crucial role in enhancing financial stability. On the contrary, bank size has a negative impact on stability, indicating that larger banks may struggle to maintain stability under the pressures of globalization and macroeconomic conditions. Based on these findings, the paper provides several recommendations to improve the stability of Vietnamese commercial banks in the context of deepening economic globalization, including adjusting risk management policies and optimizing income diversification strategies.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## does the quality of local cuisine affect the relationship between satisfaction and tourists' revisit intention? The moderating role of service quality2025-02-02T15:13:16+07:00 Đao Hoang Huong Thi Chi Thi Anh Thuy Nguyê Phạ<p>The wave of tourism has returned strongly after the pandemic period. Additionally, the emergence of new tourism trends, prominently featuring an increase in local culinary experiences, is gradually replacing previously popular methods. The research employs a convenience sampling method with a survey designed on Google Forms, accompanied by instructions on completing it, and a link was shared on tourism forums. The research team collected 510 responses between May 21, 2024, and June 11, 2024. Of these, 507 responses were further analyzed. This study aims to explore the impact of local cuisine on tourists' intention to revisit, along with re-examining the value of service quality in ensuring the satisfaction of this group. The traditional Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) theory was used as the foundational theory to analyze the relationships within the research model. The results of the PLS-SEM analysis showed that the quality of local food positively influences tourist satisfaction. These two factors also positively impact the intention to revisit the tourist destination. Additionally, service quality is a moderating factor in the relationship between satisfaction and revisit intention. This research has confirmed the role of service quality and the quality of local cuisine in directly affecting tourist satisfaction and their revisit intention. Furthermore, new recommendations have been proposed to help localities, accommodation establishments, and culinary businesses consider improving the overall quality of tourism services.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## affecting customers' continuance intention to use the online booking system of service firms: The case of patients in health care services2025-02-02T15:18:13+07:00ễn Văn Tuấương Minh Chươ<p>Nowadays, most service firms have implemented online booking systems for customers to register to use the firms' services via the Internet. In other words, customers can use online booking systems to register for firms’ services without coming in person to the firms to register directly as in the traditional way. The main objective of this study is to investigate the factors that directly and indirectly impact customers’ continuance intention to online booking systems of service firms. The research setting is health services in Vietnam, the survey data was collected from 302 patients at hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. A quantitative approach is used, and data is analyzed using structural equation modelling (SEM). This empirical study shows that the following two factors directly and indirectly influence patients' intention to use the online booking system. The first one is the quality of the system. The second factor is the system compatibility with customers. The results also indicate that these factors directly impact patients’ perceived usefulness and ease of use. Therefore, managers of service firms can promote the use of online booking systems by customers by improving the system quality and compatibility of the system. Discussions of managerial implications from the research results are presented in detail in the paper. Furthermore, this study has a significant theoretical contribution to the important role of system quality and system compatibility with customers, which has not been paid attention to in previous studies, especially in health services. Moreover, this study also contributes an additional empirical research result to the research stream related to the service delivery process of service firms in the pre-service stage.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## and prices: Vietnam stock market2025-02-02T15:23:40+07:00 T.T A. H. B.<p>This study identifies and analyzes the relationship between "strong sentiment" phrases in news bulletins that appeared in the Vietnamese stock market from 2008 to 2023. A total of 18,826 news bulletins were analyzed, covering various types of financial information such as dividend payments, stock issuance, stock sale registration, and stock sales. Data were collected from transactions and essential announcements of listed companies on the Vietnamese stock market. The study identified five key clusters of information closely related to stock price fluctuations, including "cash dividend payments, additional stock issuance, supplementary stock listings, stock sale registrations, and completed stock sales." Among them, information on "cash dividend payments," "additional stock issuance," or "supplementary stock listings" can lead to inconsistent reactions depending on the context. The study also revealed that "stock sale registration" tends to cause more significant price volatility than "completed stock sales," reflecting a higher level of uncertainty from investors. This research not only contributes to behavioral finance theory but also provides substantial empirical evidence to assist investors in evaluating the impact of news on investment decisions.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## personal representative of the estate in the role of fulfilling the obligations of the property left by the deceased - From a comparative perspective of the laws of the French Republic, the United States and the experience for Vietnam2025-02-02T15:34:12+07:00Phương Thị Nguyễ<p>Upon an individual's death, they may leave behind not only assets but also debts. In such cases, the heirs, while entitled to inherit the assets, must also obligated to settle the debts left by the deceased. The Civil Code initially assigns this obligation to the heirs. However, if the estate has not yet been divided, the debts left by the deceased shall be settled by the estate administrator, as agreed upon by the heirs, within the limits of the estate. So, who is the estate administrator? And what is their role in fulfilling the obligations of the deceased's estate? By comparing the estate administrator role in Vietnamese law with those in France and the United States, this paper delves into two key areas: Introducing the estate administrator concept in the laws of Vietnam, France, and the United States; and the role of the estate administrator in fulfilling the obligations of the deceased's estate under French, US, and Vietnamese law, along with lessons for Vietnam. This paper then presents the similarities and differences between Vietnamese law and the laws of these two countries. Combined with an analysis of the shortcomings of the regulations, selectively learning from the experiences of these countries is necessary to improve Vietnam's inheritance law and ensure that debts are settled fairly and efficiently.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## evidence on human capital and economic growth: The role of investment and demographics2025-02-02T15:42:49+07:00 Huy<p>This study investigates the interplay between human capital, investment, and demographic factors in shaping economic growth across 167 countries from 2010 to 2022. Using data sourced from the World Bank's Global Financial Development dataset and employing robust regression models, the research highlights the significant contribution of human capital to enhancing productivity and growth. The analysis identifies investment and urbanization as key moderating factors that amplify the positive effects of human capital on economic growth. Specifically, the interaction between human capital and investment in physical assets, as well as human capital and urbanization, yields greater economic benefits than these elements independently. These findings underscore the synergy between skilled labor and infrastructure development in fostering sustainable growth. The results further reveal the nuanced role of health and education expenditures, which, despite their essentiality for long-term development, demonstrate short-term cost implications. The study also emphasizes the importance of trade openness, foreign direct investment, and institutional quality in supporting economic performance, while acknowledging the variability of these effects across different economic contexts. Urbanization emerges as a critical factor, enhancing access to services and optimizing the use of human capital. This research contributes to the existing literature by integrating investment and demographic dimensions into the analysis of human capital's impact on growth. It offers actionable insights for policymakers, investors, and managers, advocating for integrated strategies that prioritize education, healthcare, infrastructure, and urban development. The findings suggest that balanced and synergistic investments in human and physical capital are crucial for maximizing growth potential. This work advances the understanding of the dynamic relationships between economic growth determinants and provides a framework for more effective policy interventions aimed at sustainable development.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## impact of population aging on economic growth in Asian countries2025-02-18T03:59:01+07:00ương Thị Thu Nguyễều Thị Ngọc Huỳên Đỗ Phương Trầỳnh Thị Thúy Trầ Đinh Ngọc Võ<p>The study aimed to analyze the impact of population aging on economic growth in Asian countries from 1995 to 2022. The research team employed the Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS) model with panel data comprising 12 countries, collected from secondary sources - the World Bank. The results revealed that the main variables representing the impact of population aging, namely the old-age dependency ratio and the youth dependency ratio, had differing effects on the countries' economic growth. Specifically, the old-age dependency ratio negatively impacted economic growth, while the youth dependency ratio was a driver of economic growth in these countries during the 1995-2022 period. Additionally, control variables such as trade openness, FDI inflows, government expenditure ratio, savings rate, and inflation were incorporated into the model. These variables largely fulfilled their expected roles in the estimation process, satisfying the research hypotheses. Based on the model estimation results, the authors proposed policy implications to mitigate the adverse effects of the increasing old-age dependency ratio on the economies of the studied countries. Specific policies and programs could be implemented to support the elderly in enhancing their health and healthcare access. Government expenditure programs to support their social welfare were also suggested, along with creating conditions for older adults to continue participating in the workforce. This research enhances our understanding of the complex relationship between population aging and economic growth in Asian countries. It also contributes to the academic literature on demographic shifts and economic performance, offering empirical evidence to inform policy development to address the challenges posed by population aging in Asian economies. It highlights the importance of developing comprehensive strategies to address the challenges posed by an aging population while leveraging the potential of the younger demographic for sustained economic development.</p>2025-02-18T03:57:10+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## average in maritime law: International experience and considerations for Vietnam2025-02-18T04:02:49+07:00Hạnh Dung Kim Vũùi Đoàn Minh Tríễn Thanhần Thị Nguyệt Quýạm Trần Thiên Hươũ Thị Ngọc<p>The transportation of goods by sea is conducted based on carriage contracts, which stipulate the rights and obligations of the involved parties, the carrier's responsibilities, as well as provisions for dispute resolution, compensation for damages, and the allocation of losses in case of risks, ... This is a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of maritime law and international principles related to marine transport. During the transportation process, one of the most important aspects is the identification of the general average — a long-standing legal concept in international maritime law. General average involves the difficult decisions that a captain or shipowner must make in emergencies, such as sacrificing cargo or incurring extraordinary expenses to save the ship and goods from common danger. The challenge lies in defining what constitutes “sacrifice” or "extraordinary expenses" that align with the concept of the general average. This is not only a matter of legal interpretation but also relates to the rights and obligations of parties involved in the transportation of goods, particularly the responsibilities of the shipowner and carrier regarding the determining general average in specific cases exactly. Currently, Vietnam regulations, especially the Maritime Code 2015, have yet to provide specific and clear guidelines on handling cases of general average. This creates difficulties in the application of laws, the resolution of disputes, and the compensation of losses when incidents occur during the transport of goods. In the international context, many countries have implemented more specific regulations and standards regarding the general average, based on the common principles outlined in the York-Antwerp Rules — a well-known set of international guidelines in the maritime field. These rules not only provide a clear legal framework for determining reasonable costs and sacrifices but also help relevant parties foresee their responsibilities in emergencies. For Vietnam, learning from international experience to enhance legal regulations in this area is both a necessary and urgent issue.</p>2025-02-18T04:02:49+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## expenditure on education: Efficiency analysis in Asean countries, period 2015 – 20212025-02-18T04:09:35+07:00 Thi Thu Thi Thuy<p>Recently, the issue of public spending efficiency has garnered the attention of both policymakers and researchers worldwide. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of public spending in the education sector in several ASEAN countries during the period from 2015 to 2021. Based on the DEA - Malmquist - Tobit method, the study utilizes 2 inputs and 2 outputs, along with 3 impact factors, to conduct an efficiency analysis and the impacts on the effectiveness of public spending on education. The results indicate that Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam are the three countries that consistently achieved efficient public spending in education from 2015 to 2021. In contrast, countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines have not maintained efficiency in public spending in the education sector during this period. Furthermore, the efficiency of educational spending in these countries mainly depends on technology; however, most countries have not achieved pure technical efficiency, indicating that investment in technology is one of the key factors contributing to enhancing public spending efficiency. Additionally, considering the impact factors, foreign aid (ODA) and GDP per capita (GDPC) negatively affect the efficiency of national public spending, whereas trade openness (TRADE) has the opposite effect. Based on these findings, the author will provide recommendations regarding the state of education spending in these countries. Specifically, the government can gather issues in the field of primary education to find ways to improve and implement the budgeting process and allocate spending appropriately. In addition, the potential for high technology to be applied in teaching and learning is the key to promoting a modern, fair, and highly effective education system. Moreover, education spending heavily depends on the specific macroeconomic situation of each country. Therefore, educational spending policies should consider in relation to factors such as GDP per capita, trade openness, and foreign aid.</p>2025-02-18T04:09:34+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## netnography approach to describe brand image from customers’ perspectives - The case of coolmate2025-02-18T04:16:33+07:00 Thi Thanh Hoai Kieu<p>As internet users continue to grow rapidly, online platforms have become increasingly popular for brands to promote, sell, and market their products. This trend is particularly evident in the fashion industry, where digital channels offer significant opportunities for reaching and engaging consumers. With the proliferation of online social media, brands in the fashion sector are leveraging these platforms to build their brand image and connect closely with their customers. In this context, this study aims to delve into various aspects of Coolmate's brand image as perceived by its customers. In this study, a combination of in-depth interviews and netnographic data collection methods were employed to gather comprehensive insight. These methods help the study to achieve a robust and multifaceted understanding of the brand image from the customers’ perspective. In total, 05 online communities with 42 posts and 342 comments are studied. The online communities are selected based on 05 criteria, including their relevance to the study, high “traffic” of postings, high numbers of discrete message posters, rich data, and having many between-member interactions. The research findings show that there are 18 main aspects of Coolmate perceived and discussed by customers in online communities, which can be grouped into four categories, including: Intrinsic, Extrinsic, Appearance and Performance attributes. Among these 18 aspects, there are 06 characteristics of Coolmate discussed in all 05 communities with high frequencies, including Durability, Hand-feel, Size, Promotion activities, Customer service, and Price. Based on the findings of this study, several managerial implications are proposed for Coolmate and other similar fashion brands to enhance and solidify their brand image in the minds of their customers.</p>2025-02-18T04:16:33+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## psychological need satisfaction and student engagement in learning: The role of gamification in education2025-02-18T04:24:20+07:00ễn Việt Bắ<p>This study examines the impact of gamification on learning engagement and the fulfilment of essential psychological needs—autonomy, competence, and relatedness—among university students in Vietnam's post-COVID-19 educational environment. Gamification, achieved through integrating of game-like elements such as rewards, challenges, and point systems into academic activities, has effectively boosted student motivation and participation. The research uses structural equation modelling (SEM) to analyze data collected from 512 university students in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, providing insights into how gamified learning strategies influence engagement and psychological satisfaction. The study's findings reveal that gamification not only strengthens learning engagement but also significantly contributes to meeting students' psychological needs. Specifically, gamification enhances students' sense of competence, fostering greater confidence in their academic abilities. However, it also highlights a possible limitation: while gamification can positively impact individual motivation, it may reduce the level of social connectedness among students and with the learning community. This decrease in relatedness may create a sense of isolation within the classroom dynamic, which could impact collaborative learning and peer support. These results offer valuable guidance for educational administrators and instructors implementing gamification-based teaching strategies. By understanding both the positive impacts and potential challenges of gamification, educators can design balanced, gamified learning environments that optimize student engagement while maintaining a supportive social structure. This study provides practical recommendations for enhancing student motivation, engagement, and academic success in the post-pandemic educational landscape of Vietnam.</p>2025-02-18T04:24:20+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## technology and wage disparities between labor groups: An empirical study in Vietnam2025-02-18T04:32:37+07:00 Dong Thi Ngoc Quang<p>The world is undergoing rapid transformation, propelled by groundbreaking advancements in science and technology. Within this dynamic and ever-evolving landscape, the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, often referred to as Industry 4.0, has significantly extended the boundaries of human existence. This era is marked by the seamless integration of physical and digital realms, which are primarily driven by two pivotal elements: data and connectivity. As industries increasingly rely on digital technologies, the workplace is being redefined, and workers are required to adapt to these changes. Embracing artificial intelligence and related technologies in the workplace can empower the workforce of the 4.0 era, enabling them to drive heightened productivity, achieve their desired income levels, and and reduce economic economic disparities. This study aims of this study is to investigate wage differentials between two distinct labor groups: those utilizing information technology (IT) in their work and those who do not. Specifically, it seeks to understand whether adopting IT-related skills can bring workers tangible financial benefits for workers. Using data from the Labor Force Survey (LFS), the study employs both the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition and quantile regression methods to understand wage disparities across different income levels comprehensively. The study's findings of the study highlight that, beyond traditional wage determinants such as education, qualifications, and gender, the use of IT significantly impacts workers' earnings. Employees who leverage IT in their job roles tend to command higher wages. Furthermore, the study reveals that income inequality is notably reduced among workers who utilize IT, indicating that IT is crucial in promoting both individual wage growth and a more equitable income distribution.</p>2025-02-18T04:32:37+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## relationship between service quality, customer satisfaction, word of mouth, and intention to continue using healthcare services: A theoretical overview & research model2025-02-02T15:28:43+07:00ọc Tiến Hàú Thanh Huỳ<p>Intention to continue using a service is a key factor in assessing its sustainability. This is an important research topic regarding consumer behavior. Although this is a significant concept in the marketing field, there is still no unified academic classification in the healthcare sector. Therefore, the aim of this study is to review the theories and prior empirical research identifying the factors affecting the intention to continue using services in the current healthcare field and propose a research model. This article’s objective is limited to reviewing previous studies related to the intention to continue using healthcare services primarily during the period of 2015-2024. This overview will help identify existing theories and research models related to the behavior of continuing to use services in the healthcare sector, thereby building a foundation for future research. Additionally, the overview will identify gaps in the current literature that new research can fill. The review helps identify important factors affecting the intention to continue using healthcare services, such as service quality, satisfaction, and word of mouth.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##